Yellow Snap Beans


Also called a wax bean, this snap (string) beans come from golden yellow pods. Yellow Snap Beans are prepared and eaten just like green snap beans, and are low in calories. They are rich in vitamins A and C, calcium, and iron.


Other names: Wax Bean
Translations: Yellow Snap Pupas, LCD Snap Pupelės, Fasole galben Snap, Žute boranija, Żółty Fasola Snap, Geel snijboon, पीले स्नैप बीन्स, Amarelo feijão-vagem, Желтые бобы Snap, Κίτρινο Φασόλια Snap, حبوب صفراء عض, 경고 스냅인 콩, Žlutá Snap Fazole, Жута боранија, Yellow Kumuha beans, 黄色油豆角, Fesols grocs complement, Rumene Fižol Snap, Žltá Snap Fazuľa, Fagioli Snap Giallo, הצמד שעועית צהובה, Gul Snap Bönor, Snap Kuning Beans, イエロースナップ豆, Haricots mange-Jaune, Gelbe Brechbohnen, Gul Snap Bønner, Gul Snap Beans, Frijoles amarillos complemento, Жовті боби Snap, Keltainen Snap Pavut, Жълти зърна Snap



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