Thyme Tea


Used as an antiseptic and in mouth wash. The tea is made by infusing the leaves with water. The tea can also be used to treat coughing and bronchitis. As an antiseptic, boil thyme in water and cool, then gargle 3 times per day to treat inflammation in the throat.


Translations: Timiāns Tēja, Čiobrelių arbata, Ceai Cimbru, Timijan Tea, Thyme trà, Tymianek urządzenia, Tijm Thee, अजवायन के फूल चाय, Tomilho Chá, Тим чай, Θυμάρι Τσάι, شاي الزعتر, 타임 차, Tymián Čaj, Тимијан чај, Tim Tea, 百里香茶, Farigola te, Timijan Tea, Tymián Čaj, Timo Tea, תה קורנית, Timjan Tea, Thyme Teh, タイム茶, Thym Thé, Thymian Tea, Timian te, Timian te, Tomillo té, Тім чай, Timjami Tea, Мащерка чай



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