Sesame Flour


Sesame Flour is made of ground sesame seeds.It is light brown in color and has a high protein and calcium content.

The oil content present in the flour contains two anti-oxidants : Sesamol and Sesamolina which also help increase its shelf life.

Sesame Flour is used in making breads and cakes.


Translations: Sesame Milti, Sezamo miltai, Faina de susan, Sezam brašna, Bột mè, Mąka sezamu, Sesame Meel, तिल का आटा, Farinha de Gergelim, Мука Сезам, Σουσάμι Αλεύρι, طحين السمسم, 참깨 가루, Sesame Mouka, Сезам брашно, Linga Flour, 芝麻粉, Farina de sèsam, Sezamovo Moka, Sesame Múka, Sesamo Farina, סומסום קמח, Sesam Mjöl, Wijen Tepung, ゴマ粉, Farine de sésame, Sesame Mel, Harina de ajonjolí, Борошно Сезам, Sesame Jauhot, Сезам Брашно

Physical Description

The flour is ivory in color. Like most baking flours, it is a powdery consistency, sold in bags and boxes. The flour comes from sesame seeds, which are generally small white seeds.

Colors: Ivory

Tasting Notes

Flavors: Savory, nutty
Mouthfeel: Consistant with other flours, Soft when baked
Food complements: Asian dishes, Broccoli, Lemon
Wine complements: White wine
Beverage complements: Ginger ale
Substitutes: Almond flour, Wheat flour

Selecting and Buying

Seasonality: january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, opctober, november, december
Peak: january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, opctober, november, december
Choosing: Make sure the bag is not past its purchase date, and does not contain any holes or tears. The flour should smell fresh and nutty. When stored in a cool place, it should have a long shelf life.
Buying: Can be bought at Asian markets, gourmet stores and health food stores. Some grocery stores may also carry it. It can also be purchased on line.
Procuring: The flour is made by grinding sesame seeds, which are grown in fertile and well-drained fields, particularly in India and China.

Preparation and Use

Dipasa Sesame Flour is an excellent alternative for low carb in breads, snacks, tortillas, breading mixes and pastas. It is a good choice for those cooking gluten-free.

Cleaning: The flour can be used straight out of the box or bag it was bought in and requires no additional cleaning or preparation.

Conserving and Storing

Store in a cool and dry cabinet or pantry. Make sure it is in a container with an air tight lid. If stored properly, it should have a long shelf life. Can also be stored in the refrigerator, but freezing is not recommended.


Sesame seeds that are used to make the flour are grown mostly in India, but can also be grow in China, Turkey and Mexico.

History: Grown most traditionally in India and China, production on the seeds used to make sesame flour began in the US in the 1950s. The plants have been cultivated for thousands of years in the East



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