Low Fat Swiss Cheese


The average serving of lacy swiss, sometimes sold as lowfat swiss cheese. Lacy swiss cheese is sometimes mistakenly called baby swiss. The reason for the confusion is that baby swiss cheese looks very similar to lacy swiss cheese. Both cheeses are marked by smaller and more prevalent holes than the traditional swiss cheeses made in Europe, like Jarlsburg, Emmthaler, and Gruyere. Yet lacy swiss cheese is not a European cheese, and is instead an American product, with significant difference in taste and ingredients. In this ounce, you’ll only consume 18%% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of saturated fat. Sodium is low, representing only 5%% of the RDA. Further, the 90 calories in an ounce give you a nice dose of protein, a whopping eight grams. Additionally, lacy swiss provides you with 25%% of your day’s calcium needs. For its nutritional value versus low calories, lacy swiss cheese is really worthwhile.


Translations: Zemu tauku Šveices siers, Mažai riebalų Šveicarijos Sūris, Conţinut redus de grăsime Branza Elvetiana, Low Fat švicarski sir, Low Fat Thụy Sĩ Cheese, O niskiej zawartości tłuszczu szwajcarski ser, कम वसा वाले स्विस पनीर, Low Fat Queijo Suíço, Сыры с пониженным содержанием жира швейцарских, Χαμηλού σε λιπαρά τυριού Ελβετίας, الجبن السويسري قليلة الدهون, 저지방 스위스 치즈, S nízkým obsahem tuku švýcarským sýrem, Keju Rendah Lemak Swiss, Mababang Fat Swiss Cheese, 低脂瑞士奶酪, Baixa greix Formatge Suís, Low Fat švicarski sir, S nízkym obsahom tuku švajčiarskym syrom, נמוכה גבינה שוויצרית שמן, Låg Fett schweizerost, Са ниским садржајем масти Швајцарски сир, 低脂肪スイスチーズ, Fromage faible en gras suisses, Fedtfattigt Swiss Cheese, Baja grasa Queso Suizo, Сири зі зниженим вмістом жиру швейцарських, Vähärasvainen sveitsiläisen juuston, Нисък Дебел сирене Швейцария



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