Beijing-Style Sweet-Scented Osmanthus Green Bean Cake


Open Category: Food, diet, cooking, recipes


Beijing and the Soviet-style green bean cake is different from Soviet-style heavy, heavy sugar, ready market in early summer; Beijing-style no oil, cool and refreshing, and marketing in the summer, both general and plum juice for sale.
Kg of raw material recipe soft sugar sweet osmanthus green bean flour 6.25 kg 0.25 kg 0.625 kg water
Making the first processing mung bean powder, wash the green beans, cook until flowering, dried, peeled, crushed into powder; then made red bean paste, red beans cooked, rolled into a paste, add sugar, boiled, cooked to the appropriate time join Rose and a little sesame oil, mixing Serve. Mix the sugar and flour with sesame oil; join mung bean flour, and finally add glutinous rice flour and mix well; prepared cake mold, the mung bean flour sieve Banhao to mold (the middle of red bean paste), Calibrating the surface, stripping to the steam board on. Can be steamed on the stove (to control the heat and steam wh


1 servings


Sunday, March 20, 2011 - 10:36pm


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