Chipotle Chicken Soup
I have had a hankering to do something with chopotle chilis in adobo sauce. Don't ask me why. I've never used them before. But there is this soup that a local restaurant had a couple of summers ago, Baja Chicken Enchilada, that was fabulous and awesome and they dropped it before I could duplicate it. This is not that soup (as there is nothing enchilada like about what I put in here), but that was sort of the inspiration in spirit of this concoction. We're huge fans of taco soup, chili, and tortilla soup, so it seemed like a good time to add some other Mexican themed soup to the mix and a new entry for Souper Sundays at Kahakai Kitchen. I started with the vegetables I use as a base for both taco and tortilla soup, then started adding things. Since I love sweet potatoes so much with chili powder, I thought they might be a good addition to this--some sweet to help balance out the spicy.