Tool: Nonstick Popover Pan


A pan that bakes 6 popovers. Coated with a nonstick finish for easy release and cleanup.


Translations: Nonstick popover Visos, Popover lipeasca Pan, Popover nonstick Pan, Nonstick Popover पान, Popover nonstick, Пан антипригарным покрытием пирог, Αντικολλητικό Popover Pan, نونستيك] Popover عموم, Nonstick의 Popover이 팬, Teflonové Popover Pan, Popover nonstick Pan, 不粘Popover潘, Panecillos sartén antiadherente, Teflónovej Popover Pán, Popover padella antiaderente, Popover Nonstick פאן, Нонстицк Поповер Пан, テフロン加工のマフィン型は、パン, Kangourou poêle anti-adhésive, Antihaft Popover Pan, Panets paella antiadherent, Пан антипригарним покриттям пиріг, Teflon Popover Pan, Nonstick Popover Пан



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