Ridiculously Delicious Red Velvet Milkshake

April 11, 2012

This red velvet milkshake from Pass the Sushi is a ridiculously delicious dessert.  All you need are five (widely available) ingredients and a blender to recreate this frozen treat at home.  Boxed cake batter is blended with soy milk before cake batter ice cream is added to the mix.  Top each shake with a generous amount of whipped cream and a maraschino cherry.  If you want to turn this shake into a cocktail, you can add a few shots of vanilla vodka.  Or go 50's diner style and serve these red velvet milkshakes with a juicy burger and fries.  For full recipe instructions, click here.

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Mary Daugherty's picture

Red velvet is my favorite cake - reminds me of my granny's house! This sounds so good, will have to give it a try.