Men Think About Food as Much as Sex

May 6, 2011

Men Think About Food as Much as SexA new study by LiveScience reveals that men think about food and sleep as much as they think about sex. That throws the old adage that men “think about sex every seven seconds” right out the window. It appears that men salivate over gorgeous steaks as much as they do gorgeous women.

Researchers at Ohio State University asked 163 women and 120 men, all college-aged, to track how often they thought about sex, food, and sleep. On average, the study found that women think about sex 10 times a day and men think about it 18 times a day – or about once every waking hour. However, men also paid proportionately greater attention than women to thoughts of eating and sleeping (although "greater attention" isn't quantified in the research).

As interesting as this research is, it’s a bit limited as it only includes college-aged students and doesn’t define a “sexual thought” – is it checking-out a member of the opposite sex, or a full blown sexual reverie? Even so, it’s always nice to be reminded that young men have more than “one thing on the brain."


