Craft Beer Sisterhood for Female Brewers

May 20, 2011

In case you've forgotten, this week is American Craft Beer Week and celebrates the variety of beer across the country. Unfortunately, even as the craft beer market gains steam across the country and more people embrace microbreweries, the beer industry remains male dominated. One group aims to change that, though. 

The Pink Boots Society says "We are the female movers and shakers in the beer industry. We get the beer brewed and fermented with the highest possible quality. We also own breweries, package the beer, design beers, serve beers, write about beer, and cover just about any aspect of beer, and we are all women." The acronym Pink actually stands for passion, integrity and inspiration, networking and knowledge. 

One of the key parts of the organization is a branch called Barley's Angels, which both educates and encourages women to pursue careers in the beer industry. Branches have already opened in Colorado, Florida, Oregon, Illinois and Nebraska in the United States. Across the world, branches have formed in Argentina, Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom. The organization continues to grow: a branch just began in Seattle this week and they plan to expand even further. 

If you love beer, it shouldn't matter who makes it. 

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