5 Quick and Easy Kitchen Treats For Dad

June 11, 2011

With all the helpers I have in the kitchen, making treats as gifts is dicey. Because they like to help, things get added to the bowl in their own special way; and amounts. I have tasted salty brownies, flat cakes, runny cookies and many other culinary experiments, err, recipes, that really didn't pass the gift test. Now, I start early, and have a trial run. That way, if something tastes weird, I will still have time to whip up another batch when my helpers are napping.

This is your official notice that Father's Day is just around the corner, so get out your bowls and spoons for that practice run. Here are 5 treats that are easy to make, and dad love them! 

Fool's Toffee
Please, don't send us any hate mail. This is probably one of the most addictive and delicious candies that will ever be made in your kitchen. 

No Bake Cookies 
If you have ever spent 5 minutes in the kitchen, then you have either made or tasted these cookies. I make them and let the kids scoop them with an ice cream scoop. So yummy! 

The nicest thing about gifting brownies is that they are made of chocolate. Nuff said. 

Chocolate Cayenne Cookies
I have been exploring the pairing of cayenne pepper with sweet treats. So far, it has been a big hit with the family, especially my  husband. These Chocolate Cayenne cookies have such decadent ingredients, they are gift worthy for Father's Day for sure. 

Spicy Dry Rub For Beef
No more chocolate, I promise. This one is still for Dad, but it is a mixture that will kick up his grilling. Try blending and gifting in a manly package-or a cute jar with a handcrafted gift tag from the kids. Either way, it is delicious and easy to do. 





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