Northeast Pumpkin Shortage

September 22, 2011

If you live in the lovely Northeast part of America, you may be in for sticker shock when buying this year's pumpkins. 

The farmers have experienced repeated issues with weather, including Hurricane Irene, the pumpkin crop is nearly ruined. 

If you just can't afford the high prices this year, why not try a few of these frugal ideas: 

Buy just one, instead of multiple pumpkins, and let that be the focal point of your fall decorations. 

Substitute winter squash in any recipe, and never know the difference. 

Carve your Jack o lanterns out of winter squash, turnips or gourds.

Make pumkin face luminaries using lunch bags, or have the kids draw and decorate pumpkins out of tagboard. These would need to be safe from rain, but they are easy to move if needed.

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