McDonalds Dumps Egg Producer Over Shocking Animal Cruelty

November 18, 2011

An ABC News report has resulted in fast food giant McDonald's cutting ties with the country's fifth largest supplier of eggs, due to concern about sanitation and animal cruelty. 

Until they cut ties with Sparboe Farms, McDonald's used their eggs in all restaurants to the west of the Mississippi River. FDA inspectors found "serious" and "significant violations" in five separate company locations. Members of the animal rights group, Mercy for Animals, shot undercover video at the locations. 

"McDonald's expects all of our suppliers to meet our stringent requirements for delivering high quality food prepared in a humane and responsible manner," the company said in a statement

The undercover video showed evidence of rodents, horrific acts of animal cruelty and dead birds in the same cages as live ones. Sparboe called the video "an aberration." 

