Baking Challenge: Checkered Battenberg Cake

January 19, 2014
Are you up for a creative and beautiful baking challenge? Try this checkered Battenberg cake covered with apricot jam and cross-hatched marzipan. One almond-flavored cake batter is divided in two batches, one of which you can color pink (or blue or green!).
Submitted to Foodista by Confessions of a Bake-a-Holic
¾ cup unsalted butter, softened & cut in cubes
¾ cup caster Sugar
1¼ cups self-raising flour
3 large eggs, room temp
½ cup ground almonds
3/4 tsp baking powder
½ tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp almond extract
red food colouring, paste, liquid or gel ( I used Wilton’s burgandy color)
To Finish
1/3 cup apricot Jam
1 cup / 8 oz marzipan