Next time you make a chocolate/orange Martini, consider trying a this Xocai Healthy Chocolate...
Rich, Delicious Xocai Healthy Dark Chocolate! What better way to toast Valentine’s Day, or any day...
This mixed drink is "deliciously rich" and full of "Xocai Heart Healthy Dark...
Bring home a taste of the Tropics with this delicious blend of Coconut, Raspberries, mouth watering...
Kick start your morning Coffee. Coffee married with delicious "Xocai Activ Chocolate"...
"Shake-up" your average morning protein shake with the delicious blend of Xocoalate and...
"Shake-up" your average morning protein shake with the delicious blend of Xocoalate and...
"Hot Chocolate" had just met it's match! "Xocai Sipping Xocolate" is a...
A simple, yet delicious way to enjoy a warm cup of "chocolate milk!"
Looking for a "Healthy Alternative" to your daily cappuccino fix? "Cappuccino Hot...
Cold winter night...want to spice things up a little? Mayan Hot Chocolate with delicious "...
This Xolog resembles a Pecan log- but it is loaded with delicious rich dark chocolate! Sure to be a...
Delicious, ripe fruit covered in Healthy Dark Chocolate is a heart healthy treat you will be proud...