These home-made truffles are 100% vegan/raw/paleo/gluten-free and totally delicious.
Raspberry and Chocolate Raw Vegan Cheesecake - A simple, refined sugar free vegan dessert! RECIPE...
Popcorn balls are a Christmas staple. Hot cocoa popcorn balls is a fun twist on the classic...
If you want to make a gift that your friends and family will beg for every year thereafter,...
Fluffy Spiced Chocolate and Ginger Cupcakes RECIPE NOTES Store the cupcakes in an airtight...
Reindeer chow is the perfect Christmas snack food. Kids and adults alike will love the...
Surprise your loved ones with this easy to make Christmas chocolate bark with coconut! An edible...
Rich & creamy petit fours. Thin Layers of baked honey flavored pastry are filled with pudding...
Vegan Hot Chocolate Three Ways. Peppermint, Orange and Thick Italian Style with Sea Salt. Luxury...
Fudge fans rejoice with this fabulous recipe for almond butter fudge. This easy candy is...
Chocolate reindeer pops from Hungry Happenings are the cutest, most adorable holiday treat....
DIY Vegan Chocolate Bark – the perfect festive gift!
Chocolate and peppermint are the quintessential holiday pair. This flavor duo is featured in...
Steamed chocolate pudding cake is a modern take on a classic English dessert. This dynamite...
Hot chocolate cookies are the perfect way to eat the flavors of the classic holiday drink. A...
Chocolate Almond Pillow Cookies have a secret to reveal. Inside these puffy little gems is a pocket...
Red velvet cupcakes are a festive sweet for the holiday season. Nothing is quite as good as a...
We love our Foodista members and want to acknowledge their contribution to our site. This week we...
Here’s a delicious and easy-to-make raw vegan tart recipe. This amazing tart is ready in just a few...
Reese’s Brownie Pops are peanut butter cups stuffed inside soft, chewy, chocolaty brownies made...