Identical Twin Womb Cake Rings in Kelley and Kim Deal's Birthday

June 8, 2011

Kelley and Kim Deal are twin sisters and musicians who are probably best known for their 90s band The Breeders; they rang in their 50th birthday a couple of days early with this identical twin womb cake. Kelley Deal tweeted a picture of the cake a few hours ago, writing, "Here 'tis!"

The identical twin womb cake features two fetuses facing each other and curled up in a red womb. After posting the photo to Twitter, Kelley Deal quipped, "I'm the one on the left -- obviously."

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Andie Mitchell's picture

Wow! Takes cake decorating to a more...personal...level?

Mickie's picture

Kind of gross to have to cut up that cake and eat it. Who gets the head?

Cat's picture

I am an identical twin and that is just weird...I couldn't imagine cutting that!