Cannabis Tea


Used to prepare Bhang. It is a mixture of cannabis (the leaves) and hot water. It produces low psychoactive effects. Using milk, with a high fat content, is more effective to reach results. THC, the psychoactive agent is not water soluble and this is why it is less effective in tea.


Other names: Pot Tea, Weed Tea
Translations: Kaņepes Tēja, Kanapių arbata, Ceai de canabis, Kanabis Tea, Cần sa trà, Cannabis urządzenia, कैनबिस चाय, Chá de Cannabis, Каннабис чай, Η κάνναβη Τσάι, القنب الشاي, 대마초 차, Cannabis Čaj, Cannabis Teh, 大麻茶, Cannabis para preparar té, Cannabis Čaj, קנאביס תה, Канабис чај, 大麻コーヒー, Cannabis Te, Cannabis per a preparar te, Каннабіс чай, Kannabis Tea, Канабис чай



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