Red Idared Apple


The red Idared Apple is a variety of apple that has a bright red outer skin and a cream colored and crisp textured flesh. Idared apples are also termed as Ida Red.


Translations: Red Apple Idared, Crvena Jabuka Idared, Idared Red Apple, Red Apple Idared, Red Apple Idared, लाल सेब Idared, Red Apple Idared, Красный Айдаред Apple, Idared التفاح الأحمر, 레드 애플을 Idared, Červená Idared Apple, Red Apple Idared, Red Apple Idared, 苹果红Idared, Xarxa Idar Apple, Červená Idared Apple, האדום Idared אפל, Црвена јабука Ајдаред, レッドはAppleをアイデアド, Red Apple Idared, Red Apple Idared, Червоний Айдаред Apple, Червената Idared Apple



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