Vegetable Juice Cocktail


The vegetable juice cocktail is a combination of different vegetable juices, namely: Tomatoes, celery, onions,green bell pepper, beets,carrots, horseradish, lemon juice, garlic and pepper.

There is a danger that there might be too much sodium and sugar used in the preparation of this drink, which was why it was also advised to drink this in moderation.


Translations: Dārzeņu Sulu Cocktail, Daržovių sulčių kokteilis, Cocktail de suc de legume, Sok od povrća Koktel, Nước ép rau Cocktail, Soki warzywne Cocktail, Groentesap Cocktail, सब्जी का रस कॉकटेल, Coquetel com suco de vegetais, Овощной коктейль сок, Φυτικά Κοκτέιλ Juice, عصير كوكتيل الخضروات, 야채 쥬스 칵테일, Zeleninové šťávy Koktejl, Сок од поврћа Коктел, Gulay juice kaktel, 蔬菜汁, Còctel de suc de vegetals, Zelenjavnih sokov Cocktail, Zeleninové šťavy Koktejl, Succo Cocktail di verdure, קוקטייל מיץ ירקות, Grönsaksjuice Cocktail, Sayuran Juice Cocktail, 野菜ジュースカクテル, Cocktail de jus de légumes, Gemüsesaft Cocktail, Vegetabilske Juice Cocktail, Vegetabilsk Juice Cocktail, Cóctel de jugo de vegetales, Овочевий коктейль сік, Kasvis Juice Cocktail, Зеленчуков сок Коктейл



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