Sweet Winesap Apple


Sweet Winesap Apple can grow to a height of 30 feet and a width of 15 feet with a growth of 8 to 12 feet per year. They require rich soil, moderate watering, good drainage and full sun. When planting, space trees according to their ultimate size. To prevent corrective pruning later on, frequent light pruning during the tree's early years is required.


Translations: Sweet Apple είδος ερυθρού μήλου, التفاحة الحلوة أبل, Sweet Apple Winesap, Apple Winesap Sweet, スウィートワイナサップアップル, 달콤한 와인셉 애플, Sweet Apple Winesap, Sweet Apple Winesap, Sweet Вайнсап Apple, Sweet Apple Winesap, Dolça Apple Winesap, मीठे सेब Winesap, מתוק אפל Winesap, Sweet Вайнсап Apple, 苹果甜瓦恩萨普, Свеет Винесап јабука, Dulce Apple Winesap, Сладки Winesap Apple



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