Peppermint Leaves


Peppermint has greenish-purple lance-shaped leaves while the rounder leaves of spearmint are more of a grayish green color. The taste of both peppermint and spearmint bear a flavor that can be described as a cross between pepper and chlorophyll, with peppermint being a bit stronger and spearmint being a little more cool and subtle.


Translations: Piparmētru lapas, Pipirmėčių lapeliai, Frunze de menta, Paprene metvice, Lá bạc hà, Liście mięty pieprzowej, Pepermuntblad, पुदीना के पत्तों, Листья мяты перечной, Peppermint Φύλλα, أوراق النعناع, 박하 잎, Lístků máty peprné, Daun Peppermint, Menta dahon, 薄荷叶, Fulles de menta, Poprove mete, Lístkov mäty piepornej, Foglie di menta piperita, מנטה עלים, Нана лишће, ペパーミントの葉, Feuilles de menthe poivrée, Pfefferminzblätter, Pebermynteblade, Peppermynte Leaves, Hojas de menta, Листя м'яти перцевої, Piparmintunlehti, Мента листа



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