Boiled And Steamed European Chestnut


Chestnuts are a versatile ingredient which can be cooked in a variety of ways - boiled, roasted, steamed, microwaved, pureed and are used in both savoury and sweet dishes. Simple roasted chestnuts in their shell are absolutely delicious and are a favourite in Britain, especially at Christmas. However, before cooking in their shell they must be slit to avoid them bursting (a very messy occurrence). Once cooked, they should be shelled and the thin skin removed before eating or using in recipes. To peel chestnuts prior to cooking, slit as above and place in a pan of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Keep the chestnuts in the hot water until ready to peel as it is easier to remove the shells and skins when they are warm.


Translations: Vārīti un tvaicētiem Eiropas Chestnut, Virtos ir virtos Europos Kaštonų, Fiartă şi aburit Chestnut Europene, Kuhani i steamed Europske Kesten, Luộc và hấp Chestnut châu Âu, Gotowane na parze i Chestnut Europejskiej, Gekookte en gestoomde Europese Chestnut, उबला हुआ और यूरोपीय अखरोट धमाकेदार, Fervido e cozido no vapor Chestnut Europeia, Отварные и на пару европейских Честнат, Και βρασμένο στον ατμό Καστανιά Ευρωπαϊκό, المغلي والبخار الكستناء الأوروبية, 삶은 그리고 유럽 밤나무를 찜, Vařené a dušenou Evropské Chestnut, Кувана и Парена Европске Кестен, Pinakuluang At Steamed European Chestnut, 水煮和蒸欧洲板栗, Bullides al vapor i castanyer europeu, Kuhani in paro Evropske Chestnut, Varené a dusenú Európskej Chestnut, Bollite e al vapore castagno europeo, מבושל מאודה ערמונים האירופי, Kokt och ångade Europeiska Chestnut, Rebus Dan Kue Chestnut Eropa, ゆで欧州栗毛蒸し, Cuit à la vapeur châtaignier européen, Gekocht und gedünstet Europäischen Chestnut, Kogt og dampet Europæiske Chestnut, Kokt Og Dampet europeiske Chestnut, Hervidas al vapor y castaño europeo, Відварені і на пару європейських Честнат, Keitetty ja höyrytettyjä Euroopan Kastanja, Варени и кипнал Европейския кестен



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