Technique: Adding Liqueur To Desserts


CAKES: Add Orange Brandy Cordial, Sour Cherry Vodka, or any of the raspberry cordials to flavor chocolate cake; Hazelnut liqueur, Almond Liqueur, or Coffee Liqueur to flavor sponge cakes; and, of course, Orange Brandy Cordial to flavor orange cake. Almond Liqueur is a nice touch in flourless chocolate cake recipes that call for almonds. After a cake has baked, and is still warm and still in the pan, poke holes across the top with a tester or toothpick. Pour about 2 ounces of liqueur over and allow it to drip down into the cake. Don't forget the possibilities of flavoring frostings with liqueurs; adding a little Coffee Liqueur to chocolate, for example, makes a mocha frosting.
BROWNIES: Infuse a batch of fudge brownies with Almond, Mint, or Raspberry Liqueur following the directions above for cakes.
PIES: Apple pie is better than Mom's when you first toss the apples in 1/2 cup Orange Brandy Cordial, and berry pies of all persuasions benefit from tossing the berries in 1/2 cup Raspberry Vodka Cordial, Raspberry Brandy Cordial, or a blend of the two.


FRESH FRUIT: Everybody's favorite, strawberries, takes on a new dimension when macerated (soaked) for 2 hours in Orange Brandy Cordial. For fruit compote, add a jigger of Blackberry or Raspberry (Vodka or Brandy) Cordial for every 6 cups of fruit and top with a generous dollop of Creme Fraiche.


Translations: Ievietošanas Liķieris Lai Deserti, Įrašyta Likeris į desertus, Adăugarea Lichioruri Pentru Deserturi, Dodavanje Liker Za Deserti, Thêm Liqueur Để Desserts, Słowniczek pojęć do deserów, Likeur toevoegen aan nagerechten, डेसर्ट करने के लिए लिकर जोड़ना, Adicionando Licor de sobremesas, Добавление ликеро к десертам, Η προσθήκη λικέρ Για Επιδόρπια, إضافة إلى الحلويات المشروب الكحولي, 디저트 리큐어 추가, Přidání Likér do zákusků, Додавање ликера Да Десерти, Pagdaragdag ng likor Upang Desserts, 添加到甜品利口酒, Addició de licor a les postres, Dodajanje Liker želite Sladice, Pridanie Likér do dezertov, L'aggiunta di liquore al dolce, הוספת ליקר כדי קינוחים, Lägga Likör till desserter, Menambahkan Likeur Untuk Desserts, デザートにはリキュールを追加する, Ajout de liqueur au dessert, Hinzufügen Likör bis zum Dessert, Tilføjelse Likør til desserter, Legge likør til desserter, Adición de licor a los postres, Додавання лікеро до десертів, Lisääminen Likööri jälkiruokiin, Добавяне Ликьорни да Десерти



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