no recipe


2 1/2 cups of whole wheat flour


Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.


Anyone who knows me knows I am not much for breakfast and once the tribe started sleeping in till all hours of the day I figured my days of being slaved to their breakfasts were over. From here on in – it was up to them to make themselves something to eat. I would keep the fixings for a variety of different breakfasts but kitchen labour was strictly their own.

Now that the Last Amazon has come home from university I wanted to do something nice for them. I love having my children all under one roof and under foot. I thought nothing could be better than waking up and smelling comfort food so yesterday I made fresh potato latkes with apple sauce and sour cream. I tried out a baked rather than fired version. Enough said; except there's no point in ruining a perfectly good fried comfort food by baking it.

This morning I decided to repeat my adventures in breakfasts and decided on muffins because I have a real surplus of whole wheat flour that I need to start using up. All I had to do was figure out what kind of muffins as all the fruit had been eaten up in the last week but I did find carrots. I didn't have a recipe for carrot muffins and I suppose I could have looked one up on the internet but what kind of a cook would I be if I needed to up every thing on the net before I cooked? My house smells absolutely wonderful with cinnamon and nutmeg. And the muffins – well Isaiah Sender was the first to succumb to the smell and rise. He's eaten three so far with no end in sight. Since I made up the recipe on the fly I should add this caveat --- I started out with 1 ½ cups of yogurt and found it needed more and my nutmeg is freshly ground.


18 muffins


Sunday, December 20, 2009 - 6:36am

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