

Though not a distinct species of the purple passion fruit, the lilikoi is a slightly larger fruit, with bright yellow skin and tarter pulp. Most other characteristics of the vine and fruit are similar to the purple passion fruit.


Other names: passionfruit
Translations: 莉科伊, リリコイ, Лиликой, Лілік, Лиликои

Tasting Notes

Flavors: sweet, tart
Mouthfeel: Juicy, Tart, Acidic
Food complements: Fish, Coconut, Vinegar
Wine complements: White wine
Beverage complements: Fruit juices
Substitutes: Concentrated passionfruit juice, Mango

Selecting and Buying

Choosing: Look for the fruits with slightly wrinkly skin- this is a sign they are perfectly ripe.

Preparation and Use

Cut in half and spoon to eat. You can also cut them in half and spoon the pulp into a fine mesh sieve to starin off the seeds and keep just the concentrated juice.


In Hawaii, the varieties are called yellow lilikoʻi and purple lilikoʻi and the fruit is normally eaten raw. Hawaiians usually crack the rind of the passion fruit either with their hands or teeth and suck out the flavorful pulp and seeds. Passion fruit can also be cut in half and the pulp can easily be scooped out with a spoon. Passion fruit-flavored syrup is a popular topping for shave ice. Ice cream and mochi are also flavored with passion fruit, as well as many other desserts such as cookies, cakes, and ice cream. Passion fruit is also favored as a jam or jelly, as well as a butter. Passion fruit is not widely available in stores, so most of the fruit comes from backyard gardens or wild groves. It can be found, however, in farmers' markets throughout the islands.



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