Queen Anne's Artichoke Tart

May 6, 2011

Queen Anne's Artichoke Tart

In case you haven't had enough of the British royals these past weeks, here's another highlight: Queen Anne's Artichoke Tart. Since Queen Anne lived in the 1600's she didn't have the luxury of an electric/gas oven, but you can create this delicious dish from start to finish in less than 20 minutes. Artichokes are a delicious spring vegetable, perfectly in season now, and available at most grocers and farmers markets.

Artichoke Tart
Serves 4

1 small leek, washed and chopped
1 small onion, sliced
3 ½ tbsp. butter
2 cups globe artichoke halves
¼ cup cream
½ tsp sea salt
1 large puff pastry tart case


¼ bunch chopped tarragon, chervil and parsley
½ cup olive oil
1 ½ tbsp. white wine vinegar

1. Combine all of the ingredients for the dressing and set aside. Sweat the leek and onion in the butter until very soft. Chop half the artichokes thinly, add to the leek and onion, then pour in the cream, add the salt and bring to a gentle simmer. Pour into a blender and purée until smooth.

2. Preheat the oven to 350F/180C. Spoon the purée into the tart case and garnish with wedges of the remaining artichokes. Bake in the oven for 8 minutes until lightly golden, and serve hot with the vinaigrette drizzled over the top.
