July 13, 2014
watermelon jalapeno cooler
Chilled soups, like a creamy cucumber or a tomatoey gazpacho, are some of my favorite summertime...
July 12, 2014
Living in Maine, blueberries are a common staple. Locals buy (or pick) them by the pound, storing...
July 11, 2014
French toast is so delicious in the morning. It also makes a hearty brunch or comforting evening...
July 11, 2014
Hot summer nights call for cool and refreshing meals, ones that don’t require the turning on...
July 11, 2014
gazpacho with crab
Crab season has begun in the Pacific Northwest and we’re relishing all the fresh, sweet...
July 9, 2014
Smoky bacon, juicy tomatoes and crunchy lettuce - when this tasty trio gets together something...
July 8, 2014
Steak sandwiches are not only delicious but they are also versatile.  You can create a steak...
July 7, 2014
I am not a vegetarian but I do enjoy a good vegetarian sandwich now and again.  In...
July 6, 2014
Something marvelous that happens to seafood when it's coated in breadcrumbs and fried.  ...
June 30, 2014
Summer suppers taste great when they are light and cooling. Soup is the perfect choice on a hot...
June 30, 2014
Fire up the grill and avoid heating up the kitchen all summer long. There is no shortage of awesome...
June 26, 2014
Easy Italian-Inspired Shrimp and Artichoke Salad
This easy salad recipe is perfect for picnics or any summertime party! Tender shrimp are combined...
June 24, 2014
Shrimp, Scallop and Chicken Kebabs
Don’t wait for the weekend to BBQ up a great meal! These surf and turf kebabs are easy enough...
June 24, 2014
We've discussed making chocolate cake in a mug and shared recipes from chocolate chip cookie in...
June 24, 2014
Pasta is the epitome of quick and easy cooking.  The combinations of pasta, sauces and...
June 24, 2014
Quick and easy dinners don’t always have to be cooked in the kitchen. We love summer because...
June 16, 2014
Tofu is a plant based protein that has becomes the number one meat substitute for vegans and...
June 12, 2014
Shrimp is fabulous for quick cooking.  Once they hit the heat, shrimp only take a couple of...
June 9, 2014
Honey orange teriyaki
Our love affair with chicken keeps us constantly on the lookout for new and delicious ways to...
June 9, 2014
Eggplants big and small, lavender and deep purple, Japanese and Italian are making an appearance...
