Sulfur- كبريت السلفات


Sulfur is an essential element necessary for all living cells. Foods that contain sulfur include protein-rich foods like meats, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, and legumes. Egg yolks are one of the better sources of sulfur. Other foods that contain this stinky mineral are onions, garlic, cabbage, brussels sprouts, and turnips.


Translations: Sērs, Siera, Sulf, Sumpor, Lưu huỳnh, Siarka, Zwavel, गंधक, Enxofre, Сера, Θείο, كبريت, 황, Síra, Сумпор, Kulay ng asupre, 硫, Sofre, Žveplo, Síra, Zolfo, גופרית, Svavel, Belerang, 硫黄, Soufre, Schwefel, Svovl, Svovel, Azufre, Сірка, Rikki, Сяра



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