Suffolk Red Grapes


Suffolk red grapes are seedless and are a very popular table grape. The grapes are reddish-purple in color and have a tangy, sweet-spicy flavor which lends themselves well to various fruit dessert recipes.


Translations: Suffolk Red Vīnogas, Suffolk raudonųjų vynuogių, Suffolk struguri roşii, Suffolk crveno grožđe, Nho đỏ Suffolk, Suffolk czerwonych winogron, Suffolk rode druiven, Suffolk लाल अंगूर, Uvas Suffolk Red, Суффолк красного винограда, Suffolk Κόκκινα Σταφύλια, العنب الأحمر سوفولك, 서퍽 레드 포도나무, Suffolk červených hroznů, Суффолк црно грожђе, Suffolk Red ubas, 萨福克红葡萄, Suffolk raïms vermelles, Suffolk rdečega grozdja, Suffolk červených bobúľ, Uve Suffolk Red, סאפוק ענבים אדומים, Suffolk röda druvor, Suffolk Anggur Merah, サフォークレッドブドウ, Cépages Rouge Suffolk, Suffolk Rote Rebsorten, Suffolk røde druer, Suffolk røde druer, Suffolk uvas rojas, Суффолк червоного винограду, Suffolk Red Viinirypäleet, Съфолк червено грозде

Physical Description

Suffolk Red Grapes are seedless, medium sized firm grapes.

Colors: Dark Red

Tasting Notes

Flavors: Mild, Sweet, Sour
Mouthfeel: Firm, Crisp, Juicy
Food complements: Green grapes, Cheese, Steak
Wine complements: Red wine, Pinot gris
Beverage complements: Iced tea, Vodka

Selecting and Buying

Seasonality: january, february, september, opctober, november, december
Peak: opctober, november
Choosing: Look for the lighter red colored firm clusters of this grape.
Buying: Available at local farmers' markets and super stores.
Procuring: This species of grape vine grows in northern america in northern climates.

Preparation and Use

Wash throughly

Cleaning: Wash with cold water then soak the grape cluster for 30 seconds in cold wash to throughly remove wax.

Conserving and Storing

Store the grape clusters in cold dark place such as a refrigerator or a fruit basket in a cool place.


This species of grape vine has been used for thousands of years and is a very popular species of gape vine in northern america.

History: This species of grape vine has been harvested in New York state for centuries.



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