Veal Shoulder Clod


Veal shoulder (NAMP 309-311) makes excellent roasts with full, rich flavor and tender, fall-off-the-bone meat. Reasonably priced, the shoulder is often the least expensive boneless veal cut. The adaptable mild flavor of veal is complemented by a whole range of mellow flavors, and its high proportion of gelatinous collagen makes for rich, full-bodied gravy. The large veal shoulder is often cut into smaller roasts and steaks.


Translations: Teļa Plecu pīšļi, Veršienos Pečių grumstas, Umăr mânzat cocoloş, Teleći rame grumen, Veal Thịt bò thăn vai, Cielęcina gruda ramię, Kalfsvlees Schouder kluit, वील कंधे गँवार, Ombro Bovino Clod, Телятина плеча Клод, Μοσχαράκι Ώμος μπουμπούνας, كتف تلة لحم العجل, 송아지 고기의 어깨가 덩어리, Telecí Ramenní hrouda, Bahu Veal gumpalan, Karne ng usa balikat tigkal, 韦肩克洛德, Espatlla boví Terrón, Telečjega Ramenski Zrno, Teľacie Ramenné hrudu, Spalla di vitello Clod, כתף עגל רגב, Kalvkött Bog LERKOKA, Телетина Раме Груда, 仔牛の肩の塊, Epaule de veau Clod, Kalbsschulter Clod, Kalvekød Shoulder Clod, Kalv Skulder Clod, Hombro vacuno Terrón, Телятина плеча Клод, Veal Olkapää tomppeli, Телешки рамо Клод



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