Rodoric Cheese


Rodoric is an aged cheese made from unpasteurized goat's milk traditionally aged in humid caves. The process of fabrication is very similar to the one of Maroilles or Herve, but the use of goat's milk instead of cow's milk makes it unique. Rodoric comes from the Belgian region of Liège. When young, the interior is sweet, with age the flavor becomes spicy. Because it's so strong, Rodoric is best eaten with dark breads and beers. It is often regarded as quite rare in Belgium.


Translations: Rodoric Siers, Rodoric Sūriai, Rodoric Brânză, Rodoric sira, Rodoric Kaas, Rodoric पनीर, Rodoric Queijo, Rodoric сыра, Rodoric Τυρί, Rodoric الجبن, Rodoric 치즈, Rodoric Sýry, Rodoric Keju, Rodoric奶酪, Rodoric Formatge, Rodoric Sir, Rodoric Syry, Rodoric Formaggio, Rodoric גבינה, Rodoric Ost, Родориц сир, Rodoricチーズ, Rodoric fromage, Rodoric Queso, Rodoric сиру, Rodoric Juusto, Rodoric сирене



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