Vervai Herbs, Blue


For thousands of years, blue vervain has been used as an herbal remedy. The Chinese used this herb to treat malaria, dysentery, and congestion. It was also used during the middle Ages to help cure plagues. Blue vervain was also used by Native Americans as a natural tranquilizer for treating nervous conditions, along with female problems. In Germany, modern research has been found to support the use of blue vervain for the nervous system and for pain relief.


Translations: Vervai Garšaugi, Blue, Vervai žolės, Mėlyna, Ierburi Vervai, albastru, Vervai Bilje, Plava, Zioła Vervai, Blue, Vervai Kruiden, Blauw, Vervai जड़ी बूटी, ब्लू, Ervas Vervai, Azul, Vervai Травы, Blue, Vervai Βότανα, Μπλε, الأعشاب Vervai ، الأزرق., Vervai의 허브, 블루, Vervai Byliny, Blue, Vervai Herbal, Blue, Vervai damo, Blue, Vervai香草,蓝, Vervai Herbes, Blau, Vervai Zelišča, Blue, Vervai Byliny, Blue, Erbe Vervai, Blue, Vervai עשבי תיבול, כחול, Vervai Örter, Blå, Верваи биље, Плава, Vervaiハーブ、ブルー, Herbes Vervai, Blue, Vervai Kräuter, Blue, Vervai Urter, Blue, Vervai Urter, Blue, Vervai Hierbas, Azul, Vervai Трави, Blue, Vervai Yrtit, sininen, Vervai Билки, Blue



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