Stump The World Peach


Fruit, large, nine and a quarter inches in circumference, roundish, inclining to roundish oval, flattened, and rather pitted at the apex; the suture shallow, and passing a little beyond the apex. Skin, pale yellowish white, finely dotted with red, and with a good deal of colour next the sun. Flesh, white, very melting and juicy, rich, and deliciously flavoured. Flowers, small. Leaves, with round glands.


Translations: Celms Pasaules persiku, Stump Pasaulio persikų, Ciot Peach Mondiale, Panj Svjetskog breskva, Gốc cây sau Peach thế giới, Stump The Peach Świat, Stump De Wereld Peach, विश्व पीच स्टंप, Stump O Peach Mundo, Стамп Всемирной Пич, Το κούτσουρο Peach Κόσμος, عقب السيجارة والخوخ العالمية, 그루터기 세계 복숭아, Stump The Peach Dunia, Hindi makasagot Ang World Peach, 树桩世界桃, La soca Peach Mundial, Pikavac World Peach, Stump The Peach Mondo, גדם אפרסק העולם, Stump Världen Peach, Патрљак Свет бресква, スタンプワールドピーチ, Stump Le Peach mondiale, Stump Verden Peach, Stump Verden Peach, El Tocón Peach Mundial, Стамп Всесвітньої Піч, Stump World Peach, Пъна Светът Праскова



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