paw paw


The paw paw is a fruit that is botanically classified as a berry. The fruits are not commercially viable because they do not store or ship well, so they tend to be limited in consumption to foragers or those with backyard trees.


Other names: Hoosier Banana, Indiana Banana

Physical Description

Oblong, green-tinted, smooth fruit with large black seeds and custard-like interior.

Colors: Green with Yellow Shading

Tasting Notes

Flavors: banana, mango
Mouthfeel: Creamy, Custard-like
Food complements: Chocolate, Walnuts
Substitutes: Bananas

Selecting and Buying

Choosing: Should be slightly yielding but not soft--similar to how to judge a mango.
Buying: Not typically a commercial fruit
Procuring: Look for fruits that have just fallen to the ground.

Preparation and Use

Eat out of hand or scoop out the pulp for smoothies or baking.

Conserving and Storing

The pulp can be frozen.


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