Brittle Wax Yellow Bean


Yellow wax beans have been my favorite beans as far as buying at farmer's markets (although I really enjoyed the Yard Longs I got a few weeks ago).

I know these are mostly bush varieties, but mucho evidence points to pole beans being more productive. About the only yellow wax pole bean variety I've seen is Marvel of Venice. I'd like to know what experience people have had with yellow beans of any kind.

So far, my experience has been that I like more tender varieties than the typical green beans. I find French filet beans to be very tender and sweet, and I find yellow wax beans to be buttery and more flavorful.


Translations: Trausls Wax Yellow Bean, Brittle Wax LCD Bean, Fragil ceară galbenă Bean, Žuta krhku Wax Bean, Bean giòn Wax vàng, Wosk Brittle Yellow Bean, Broze Wax Geel Bean, भंगुर पीला वैक्स बीन, Brittle Bean Yellow Wax, Хрупкая Воск желтый Бин, Εύθραυστος Wax Κίτρινο Bean, هش بقول الشمع الأصفر., 취성의 왁스 황색 콩, Křehké vosk žlutý Bean, Ломљиви Восак Жута Бин, Malutong waks Yellow Bean, 脆性蜡黄色豆, Fràgil Bean cera groga, Krhka Wax Yellow Bean, Krehké vosk žltý Bean, Croccante Bean cera gialla, שביר בין שעווה צהוב, Sköra Wax Gul Bean, Wax Bean rapuh Kuning, 脆性ワックスイエロービーン, Bean fragile Cire jaune, Skør Wax Yellow Bean, Skjøre Voks Gul Bean, Frágil Bean cera amarilla, Тендітна Віск жовтий Бін, Hauras Wax Yellow Bean, Wax крехки Жълти Бийн



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