Beef Bottom Round


A beef bottom round roast needs to be cooked slowly, preferably with liquid of some sort (water, beef broth, red wine, a combination of liquids, etc.) and is a great affordable choice to serve to your family and guests.

The Beef Bottom Round roast is less tender than the top round roast due to its muscle construction, hence its fibrous structure that with slow cooking braised in liquid helps break down the fibrous meat into a wonderfully tender treat . The two muscles of this roast are the eye of the round on the left and the bottom round on the right of a cow. Note the heavy band of connective tissue separating the muscles should you be looking at a 'map' of a cow.

Mind you pot roast recipes are the kind you might want to do on a Sunday due to the amount of time it takes, and let it roast (simmer in water with chosen side veggies and herbs) for 3-5 hours or even more.

But cooking a bottom round roast with a slow low temperature over a long time is what makes this a super cut of beef one heck of a tender chunk of beef. This is one of those recipes that a slow cooker comes in super handy - but it is not necessary by all means - but a crock pot, or a deep and large soup pot with lid will easily suffice.


Translations: Liellopu Grunts kārta, Jautienos Bottom raundo, Carne de vită fund rotund, Govedina Dno kolo, Vòng thịt bò dưới, Beef Round Bottom, Beef Bottom ronde, गोमांस निचला दौर, Fundo redondo Beef, Круглый говядины Боттом, Βοείου κρέατος του Γύρου βυθού, لحوم البقر جولة القاع, 쇠고기 히프 회전, Hovězí Spodní kola, Говеђа Дно коло, Baka Bottom Round, 牛肉底轮, Carn de fons rodó, Goveje meso Bottom krog, Hovädzie Spodná kola, Manzo fondo tondo, תחתון בשר עגול, Nötkött Bottom runda, Beef Round Bottom, 牛肉ボトムラウンド, À fond rond de bœuf, Beef Bottom-Runde, Oksekød Bottom-runden, Beef Bottom runde, Carne de fondo redondo, Круглий яловичини боттом, Naudanliha Pohja kierros, Кръгла говеждо отдолу



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