Question: Who has cookbooks with recipes they have and will never use?

October 17, 2010


Curt's picture

I have lots of cookbooks with recipes in them I'll never use. I use cookbooks to spawn ideas and rarely use an actual recipe.

Stacey's picture

Absolutely...I have a whole cupboard of unused and unopened cookbooks.

Chris Paulk's picture

Like Curtis- I buy cookbooks mostly for inspiration. I don't think I've ever cooked every single recipe.
The only way to avoid that is to create your own.

ping's picture

Guilty :D

Emily Jelassi's picture

I have a huge collection of cookbooks...some I never use. But most are used, if only for ideas. I tend to start with a recipe and then add a twist here, a change there to make it my own.

HyeThymeCafe's picture

Personally, with so much inspiration available on the Internet nowadays, I no longer buy cookbooks, although I am prone to the occasional impulse purchase of a cooking magazine while checking out at the supermarket. If someone gives me a cookbook (or I win a cookbook), I run through it to see what captures my interest. If I read about a new ingredient or technique, I make a note of it on my computer. If a recipe catches my attention, I'll add it to my collection - sometimes it's just a title that sparks an idea. When I'm done, I pass the book along to someone else for inspiration. :)