Pugliese Bread
8 cups Unbleached all-purpose flour
3 cups Water
2 tablespoons Salt
1 packet Instant dry yeast - (4 oz)
Olive oil for bowl
Mix flour, water, and yeast together in a large mixing bowl. Knead vigorously on a lightly floured surface; dough should be sticky and wet. After ten minutes of perspiration and exhaustion, add salt. Kneed for an additional 5 to 7 minutes until dough begins to pull away from the working surface and develops a smooth, light sheen. Lightly coat the interior of a large mixing bowl with olive oil; make sure the bowl is at least three times larger than the dough. Set dough in bowl, and let rise until it triples in volume, about 2 to 2 1/2 hours.
You are now ready to bake. Invert dough onto heated baking stone or cloche, and then score deeply with a razor or a sharp knife, making three slashes about 2 inches long. If you have a baking cloche, cover it immediately with the bell. If using a baking stone, you need to add moisture to the oven for at least 20 minutes of the baking process. To do this, place a pie pan filled with ice cubes on the floor of the oven to produce steam; refill withmore ice as necessary. After 20 minutes, remove the bell or moisture source and lower temperature to 425 degrees.
8.0 servings
Saturday, February 13, 2010 - 6:25am