Pita Breads
Note: 1 cup can be whole wheat This makes twelve small or 6 large pitas.
Sprinkle yeast into water and wait til foamy. Add sugar or honey and salt and stir to dissolve. Beat in 1 cup flour for a smooth batter. Add rest of flour gradually for a fairly soft dough. Knead til smooth. Cover with damp towel; let rise til double. Punch down and knead a few minutes. Divide in 6 or 12 pieces. Knead each unit and roll into 1/8 - 1/4 inch thick circleoids
(my word). The shape and size don't matter so much as thickness. I found it's better to err on the side of too thick, as too thin makes them burn easily and be cracker-like. Use lots of flour when rolling. Let circleoids rest at least 30 minutes covered with damp towel. (I rest them on placemats.) Heat oven to 500F and heat baking sheets. I use just one sheet and bake pitas two at a time. Brush hot sheets with oil or sprinkle with cornmeal. (I have used sesame seeds sucessfully.) Place (slide) pitas on hot sheets and bake just 5 to 8 minutes until puffed like blowfish and perhaps very slightly brown. W! atch closely; they b
6.0 servings
Saturday, February 13, 2010 - 3:23am