Tool: Coffee Urn


A type of insulative cylindrical pot capable of holding large quantities of coffee. Often called a samovar in the U.S., although quite different from a true European samovar.


Other names: Samovar
Translations: Kafijas urna, Elektrinis virtuvas, Cafea urna, Kava urna, Cà phê Urn, Kawa Urn, Koffie Urn, कॉफी कलश, Электрический Урна, Καφές urn, القهوة جرة, 커피 항아리, Káva Um, Kopi Mm, Kape initan ng tubig, 咖啡金塔, Cafè urna, Kava žarnih, Káva Um, Caffè Urna, קפה המ, Kaffe Urn, Кафа урна, コーヒーの壺, Urne à café, Kaffe Urn, Kaffe Urn, Café urna, Електричний Урна, Kahvi Uurna, Кафе урна



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