Signs and Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

April 11, 2011

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes, and many people have no symptoms at all. Here are the most common red flags:

An Increase in Thirst
An increase in thirst, which can be accompanied by an increase in appetite, frequent urination, and a dry mouth (occurring sometimes as much as hourly).

Unusual Weight Gain or Weight Loss

Sometimes along with blurred vision.


Frequent or Slow-Healing Infections
Wounds that are slow to heal, frequent urinary tract infections (UTI) or yeast infections, and/or itchy skin, especially in the groin area.

Erectile Dysfunction

A simple blood test can tell you whether or not you have Type 2 diabetes. If you suspect you do, please consult your doctor.



Signs of diabetes 's picture

Blurred vision is my nightmare.
