Lots of Errors in Modernist Cuisine

April 23, 2011

As you remember from our earlier coverage, Seattle's Nathan Myhrvold unveiled his "revolutionary" Modernist Cuisine cookbook on March 7 for the high price of $625. At 6 volumes, more than 2400 pages and more than 40 pounds you might expect a few errors in the book (you can get a sense of the book in the picture above). Well, Myhrvold and company have a list of errors they've found in the book on their website. It's quite long. Really, really long.

On their website the team writes, "Modernist Cuisine is the prod­uct of human beings. And like all human cre­ations, it con­tains imper­fec­tions. Despite our best efforts to find and elim­i­nate every error before the book went to press, some mis­takes slipped through."

Check out the list of errors. Does it seem like a lot to you? Does that make you any less likely to buy the book?

Photo from Modernist Cuisine
