Vegan Steve-O Stomps Out of Meat-Heavy Charity Event

May 31, 2011

Jackass star Steve-O made waves this weekend when he stormed out of the Celebrity Go Kart Tournament in Gardena, California due to its meat-heavy menu. The charity event was affiliated with the American Diabetes Association; Steve-O, who has been a vegan for two years, thought the festivities would promote animal-free eating. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case, and Steve-O left the event in protest.

"It's like serving alcohol at an AA meeting," Steve-O exclaimed -- an apt comparison, considering the actor's past substance-abuse issues. "I came here because I thought this was about promoting a plant-based diet as diabetes prevention and they're serving meat there... so I'm outta here."

Steve-O has been involved with animal rights issues for years; the photo that accompanies this post is from his print ad for the PETA "Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur" campaign. The TMZ video of Steve-O at the Celebrity Go Kart Tournament appears below. Do you think he was right to leave the event?

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Lisabeth Rosenberg's picture

Being Vegan (no milk or egg products) is even harder than being a regular vegetarian. Diabetes is a potentially life threatening condition. He basically is eliminating all protein sources with the exception of nuts, and rice & bean which must be eaten together. This is a difficult diet to maintain and adds an unnecessary burden trying to keep a medically necessary diet.

Just because Steve-O is Vegan doesn't mean that he needs to impose that belief system to everyone else -particularly diabetics. Steve-O(or as I call him Nut-O) makes a great argument for not being Vegan. There's a reason why meat-eaters are at the top of the food chain.

Lisabeth Rosenberg's picture

As long as organizations continue to leverage what they want to say using media whores (rather than intelligent arguments & people of real authority) they will continue to pollute their message. Marketing is about reaching people by properly packaging the message. This was meant to appeal to the lowest common denominator. He's "out-out-of-there". He's done them a favor.

jodie's picture


Protein is in nearly everything that we eat, not just beans and nuts. Also, there is no reason that you have to eat them at the same time. Eating a variety of plant based foods is sufficient to give you the protein you need, so long as you are eating a sufficient amount of calories.