Hickory Smoked Sirloin Steak


Coarse ground black pepper
Sea salt
Garlic powder
inch Sweet onion, 1 slices
inch Bulb of garlic, cut half
Olive oil (or cooking spray)
Sweet corn, 1 each person, we prefer the white
1 pound Asparagus
1 teaspoon white pepper


Directions: Steak
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Grill: Direct High Heat
Sprinkle a little Worcestershire sauce over the meat then shake your spices over it. Using your fingers, try to rub the seasoning into the meat as best you can. Keep in mind that you are trying to make a crust that will sear on/in to the steak. Think about your taste and season accordingly. I like lots of garlic, pepper, chipotle and a little salt. Set the steak aside while you enjoy a beer. Steaks are best cooked at room temperature so that they cook evenly. Use High Direct Heat 450- 500 degrees 7 to 9 minutes per side. This will vary with their size and how well done you want it. One this size it will be rare to medium rare.
Directions: Veggies
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Grill: Indirect Low Heat
Slice your onions into 3/4” rounds, (I leave the skin on to help hold them together). Slice the garlic in half. Place the garlic on the grill with a folded piece of foil so it won’t fall through the grill if falls apart. Using a small cooking grate lay out the asparagus and onions giving them a spritz of olive oil. Salt and pepper the veggies to taste and place them on the grill over Low Indirect Heat around 300.
Let the veggies soak up the hickory for about a half hour or so until they are about done then turn the heat up to high. (Still use indirect heat.) As the temp is coming up watch your veggies because they won’t be able to take this kind of heat for long. I like to pull them when they are still a little crisp. Cover and place somewhere to keep warm, like the oven.
When the grill is screaming hot, add the steaks. I use a kitchen timer so I don’t lose track of time as I am enjoying a beer or three. (I have done that more than once) This is a Very Large Steak. You can see that it covers almost all our grill. I have a Very Large grill, too. But we like the left over’s for other recipes…
We call these recipes “Love the Second Time Around” and one will follow this one to show you what we did with the leftovers…
Directions: Cheese Sauce
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 3 minutes
Mix the Alfredo sauce and pepper in a microwave safe dish and heat on high for 1 ½ minutes. Stirring in the blue cheese, heat again for 1 ½ minutes. Remove, stir, let sit for a minute or so and serve. Keep in mind that heating times will vary on microwaves.
Directions: Corn
Prep Time: 0 minutes or as long as it takes to throw the corn in the microwave
Cook Time: 7 minutes
Put the corn in the microwave with the husk still on it. Two big ears will take about 7 minutes in ours. The green husks act as a steamer and it comes out perfect. If the husks are dry you can soak them in the sink for a while before you nuke them.
Preparing Grill: Low Indirect Heat
Preheat your grill to low heat (250-300) and turn off one side so you will be cooking with indirect heat. Add your wet hickory chips over the fire and oil the grill. A cooking spray is easiest for this. (Note: you can add your hickory directly to the grill or you can use foil smoke packets.(Two handfuls wet chips and one dry, fold foil into a packet, poke holes in it with a fork and you’re good to go.)
Preparing Grill: High Direct Heat
Preheat your grill to High heat (450-500). Add your wet hickory chips to the fire and oil the grill. A cooking spray is easiest for this. (Note: you can add your hickory directly to the grill or you can use foil smoke packets.(Two handfuls wet chips and one dry, fold foil into a packet, poke holes in it with a fork and you’re good to go.)
Note: I use a spray bottle when cooking on the grill filled with a Worcestershire sauce and liquid smoke mix that keeps things moist and adds tons of flavors. (Mix is 3 parts Worcestershire with 1 part liquid smoke)
Remember that a recipe is simply an outline; it is not written in stone. Don’t be afraid to make changes to suit your taste.
Take it and run with it….
Ken & Patti




Alisa Escanlar's picture



Doins this week we felt like beef, and there is nothing better than a good 2 inch sirloin. We did up a Chipotle, garlic and black pepper rub for the steak. We followed that up with sweet corn, smoked sweet onions and garlic. Fresh asparagus was perfect with one of Patti’s good cheese sauces.

Ken built a fire in the wood stove even though it’s not cold, but so warm and cozy. He calls it “Fire for Effect”, I call it romantic. I put on some music and set out a bottle of Cabernet wine for him to open for me.


8 servings


Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 10:41am

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