Boiken Apple



Named after Dike-warden Boike, of Germany; tree received from Russia. Fruit medium, oblate conical; surface smooth, clear yellow, sometimes with blush; dots very obscure, many, minute, white; cavity wide, regular, deep, obtuse, with radiating russet; stem long; basin wide, medium deep, wrinkled; calyx open or closed. Core open; cells round; tube conical; stamens median; seeds short, round, few; flesh white, firm, juicy, fine-grained, sprightly, refreshing subacid, very good. Winter.


Translations: Boikenアップル, Boiken أبل, Boiken 애플, Boiken אפל, एप्पल Boiken, Boiken苹果, Боикен јабука

Selecting and Buying

Seasonality: january, february, march, april, december



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