Pinot Noir Grapes


Pinot Noir grapes are the predominant grapes used to make the red wine Pinot Noir. These grapes require cooler temperatures and are grown in a variety of locations, primarily in Burgundy, France.


Translations: Pinot Noir vīnogas, Pinot Noir vynuogės, Pinot Noir Struguri, Pinot Noir grožđe, Pinot Noir Nho, Winogron Pinot Noir, Pinot Noir druiven, Pinot Noir अंगूर, Uvas Pinot Noir, Виноград Пино Нуар, Pinot Noir Σταφύλια, العنب بينوت نوير, 피노 누아 와인 포도, Pinot Noir bobulí, Пинот Ноир грожђа, Pinot puti ubas, 黑比诺葡萄, Pinot Noir, Modri pinot Grozdje, Pinot Noir bobúľ, Le uve Pinot Nero, ענבי פינו נואר, Pinot Noir druvor, Anggur Pinot Noir, ピノノワールブドウ, Pinot Noir, Pinot Noir Trauben, Pinot Noir druer, Pinot Noir Druer, Pinot Noir, Виноград Піно Нуар, Pinot Noir Viinirypäleet, Пино Ноар Грозде



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