Question: What Is Kale?

February 21, 2010
I think it is a vegetable


Laura Jill's picture

It's a wonderful dark leafy green with amazing nutritional value.

Chris Paulk's picture

Kale is a member of the cabbage family. Actually, the wild cabbage family and thought to have originally come from Asia, then later brought to Europe.It is usually sold in bunches and has dark green or purple leaves. Unlike cabbage though, it won't grow into a "head" but rather spikes of leaves. Because of it's high nutritional value and extremely low fat content, it will usually find it's way onto most diet plans. It is also believed to have cancer prevention qualities and can help to detoxify your system. It is high in Vitamins A, E, C and Calcium and a good source of fiber.
Kale does contain Oxalates, which in some rare cases, can interfere with the absorption of calcium.
There are several varieties, some of which are available almost year round.
It is a hardy plant in the garden and is virtually disease free and pest resistant.
Braised, sauteed or added to soups, it's a tasty and nutritional vegetable.

Barnaby Dorfman's picture

Here's the Foodista page:

Could use some editing....