Minted Pea & Spinach Soup

Category: Soups & Salads | Blog URL:
This recipe was entered in The Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook contest, a compilation of the world’s best food blogs which was published in Fall 2010.
I've been looking at green monster recipes online recently and was inspired by their bright green fresh look to create something similar. Unfortunately, it's not really smoothie weather here (and besides, the idea of spinach in a smoothie is still a little bit weird for me...), so I thought that a vibrant green soup would be the next best thing. And perfect for the drizzly grey day we had yesterday.
I actually love winter, so grizzly (typo and it stays) gray days are ones I secretly look forward to. Provided, of course, I can stay cuddled up inside with a steaming bowl of soup or mug of hot chocolate, a duvet and a great book. For if I step outside, I'm afraid i turn into Diana Ross. Just a pastier version...