Bbq Filet Mignon


Dinner for 2
Your Choice of Greens
2 Cloves of Garlic
Your choice Of favourite Gravy or Sauce
quarter cup Milk
1 tablespoon of Butter
Salt and Pepper to Taste


PREPARATION: Boil couple of potatoes till they are soft and tender.
While potatoes are boiling wrap the garlic in foil with a dash of olive oil and toss it in the toaster over to roast for 5 minutes.
Leave the meat out so they can be of room temperature before cooking, in a bowl set aside 2 tablespoon full of butter to soften.
COOKING: Fire the bbq let it reach a temperature of about 450 degree F, if you
Don’t have a bbq a hot fry pan will do.
Place the steaks on the hot surface and let it sear for couple of minutes. Make sure sear both sides of the steak.
While that is being done prepare your mashed potatoes.
In a bowl mash the boiled potatoes. While mashing the potatoes add the butter, milk, salt, ground pepper and bring it to a desired consistency. Once this is done check on your steaks.
Gently cut through the steaks making sure not all the way through. Lay the uncooked side on the grill or fry pan to sear for couple of minutes.
Whilst that is being done get your favourite greens and sauce ready.
Once the sides are done and plated take your meat of the grill and its chow chow :)


We are fortunate that we can BBQ during the fall. This is a treat because
Quissy and I both love BBQ steaks. Nothing beats the charred steaks with
grill marks and your favourite toppings.

One of the reasons we like the filet mignon is because the cooking process is very fast.

The cuts are so tender, cooks so fast and its very juicy .Win win both ways and I don’t need to wear long johns to stand outside to BBQ :)

This meal does not take long to prepare. We usually pour ourselves a glass of merlot clink our glasses and get busy with it LOL.

In no time the dinner is ready; we give thanks and just savour our nice and delicious meal.

Quissy is happy and that’s what I really care about to see a smile on her beautiful face. Nothing beats that :)



4.0 servings


Wednesday, January 19, 2011 - 12:02pm


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